Having Trouble Sleeping? A Home Sleep Study Could Help


sleepingAre you struggling to get a good night of sleep? Do you wake up feeling tired and fatigued, even if you feel you spent enough time in bed?

If you answer yes to those questions, you might be experiencing sleep disturbances that require professional help. A home sleep study, also known as home polysomnography, could be the key to diagnosing your sleep issues accurately and conveniently.

Let’s see why a sleep study with MXBowen Physician, P.C. could help you get better sleep.

Understanding Home Sleep Studies 

A home sleep study is a type of polysomnography. It’s simply a study conducted in the comfort of your own bed. Traditionally, polysomnography was performed in a sleep lab, but advancements in technology now allow patients to undergo the test in their own homes.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, like excessive daytime sleepiness or chronic snoring, Dr. Marc Bowen may recommend a home sleep study to diagnose your condition.

How a Home Sleep Study Works

With a home sleep study, you’ll be provided with a small device and simple instructions. Before going to bed, you’ll follow the steps to perform the sleep study in the comfort of your own bedroom.

The device collects vital data about your pulse, blood oxygen levels, and breathing patterns as you sleep. Once you’ve completed the test, you return the device to Dr. Bowen, who then interprets the results for a more reliable diagnosis.

Benefits of a Home Sleep Test (HST)

A home sleep test offers several advantages, especially if you show signs of sleep apnea. This convenient and reliable test allows you to sleep in your own bed while capturing vital information about your sleep patterns.

It’s much easier for many patients, and offers an excellent alternative to an uncomfortable night in a sleep lab. The home sleep test device includes various features, such as a pulse oximeter, breathing sensor, and effort belt. The tech is easy to use while offering invaluable insights about your sleep.

Schedule a Consultation Today With Marc Bowen

If you suspect you have sleep apnea or any other sleep-related issues, a home sleep study could provide the answers you need.

Dr. Marc Bowen and his team at MX Bowen Physician P.C. are dedicated to helping patients achieve better sleep. With modern diagnostic tools and compassionate care, we can diagnose and effectively treat your bad sleep. Schedule a consultation with MX Bowen Physician P.C. today by calling 212-480-4062 or schedule an appointment online at our New York, NY office.

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