Sleep Study for Sleep Apnea

woman awake in the night she is touching her forehead and suffering from insomnia

Why Am I Not Sleeping?

Every now and then, we all experience some sleep difficulties. One or two nights of poor sleep can usually be overcome pretty easily. When sleep is disrupted routinely, the result is sleep deprivation that can interfere with a good quality of life. Sleep deprivation is described as getting less than the ideal amount of sleep […]

Why Am I Not Sleeping? Read More »

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What are the Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common disorder that affects an estimated 22 million Americans, but around 80 percent of moderate and severe cases are undiagnosed. This lack of diagnosis and treatment means that many people have serious symptoms and have an increased risk of developing several dangerous chronic health issues. In this blog, NYC pulmonologist Dr.

What are the Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea? Read More »

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What are the Benefits of a Home Sleep Study?

You’ve probably heard about sleep labs, where people go overnight to have a sleep study conducted. The idea of sleeping in an unfamiliar place while you’re wearing monitors probably isn’t very appealing, and it can be inconvenient to pack your bags and be away from home for the night. You may not be familiar with

What are the Benefits of a Home Sleep Study? Read More »

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