Does Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Mean I Have Sleep Apnea?

man out of breathFeeling sleepy during the day once in a while isn’t usually a problem. However, if you suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness on a regular basis, does it mean you have sleep apnea? Find out more about this symptom and what it might mean.

What Is Excessive Sleepiness?

Excessive sleepiness refers to feeling much more tired than usual during the day. With this level of sleepiness, you’re likely to have trouble making decisions and concentrating. You might also be clumsier and make mistakes or have accidents, which can be dangerous if you’re in certain situations, such as driving or working in a hazardous environment. 

What Is Excessive Sleepiness a Sign Of?

Excessive sleepiness can be a sign of sleep apnea, but other conditions could also cause it. If you have been dealing with this symptom, it’s important for you to see your doctor to rule out other health problems. You should also consider having a sleep test done to see if you have sleep apnea. 

What Are the Common Causes of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness?

Common causes of being excessively sleepy during the day include sleep apnea, poor sleep habits, certain medical conditions and side effects from some medications. Since there are numerous causes of this daytime sleepiness, it’s important to get a proper diagnosis and treatment as needed. 

What Are the Symptoms of EDS?

The symptoms of EDS include extreme tiredness or fatigue during the day, trouble concentrating, and impaired judgment and decision making. If sleep apnea is causing EDS, you might also have other symptoms, such as severe snoring, irritability, trouble staying asleep during the night and frequent bouts of stopped breathing. 

How to Diagnose EDS?

You should talk to your doctor if you have been feeling more tired than usual during the day, especially if you have trouble staying awake. Your doctor will ask about other symptoms and what kinds of problems your sleepiness is causing in order to determine if it is EDS.

How to Diagnose EDS for Sleep Apnea?

If you have symptoms of EDS, you should see a doctor for a diagnosis. This might involve having sleep tests done to determine if sleep apnea is causing EDS. These sleep tests might involve having your breathing, heart rate, brain activity, blood oxygen levels, and movements monitored while you sleep. There are also sleep tests that can be done at home. 

What Are the Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea?

Treatment options for sleep apnea depend on how severe your condition is. Mild cases might only need lifestyle changes, such as improving your sleep habits, losing weight and exercising. Other options include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), oral appliances and surgery to enlarge your air passages or correct other problems. 

How Do You Treat Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Naturally?

You can treat excessive daytime sleepiness naturally by making lifestyle changes. Maintain a healthy weight, get regular exercise, give up smoking and avoid drinking alcohol. You can also take steps to improve your sleep quality, such as avoiding caffeine late in the day. 

How Do I Stop Oversleeping?

Taking steps to treat excessive daytime sleepiness can help stop you from oversleeping. When you work on improving your sleep habits and quality, you should be able to get a healthy night’s sleep without feeling tired during the day. 

How to Prevent EDS for Sleep Apnea?

You can prevent EDS for sleep apnea by losing excess weight, eating healthy, exercising and making other lifestyle changes that reduce your risk of sleep apnea. 

If you’ve been experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness and need help, please contact MXBowen, Physician, P.C. Health and Breathing Center for an appointment. 

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