What are the Benefits of Nitric Oxide Monitoring for Asthma?

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woman wondering the benefits of nitric oxide monitoring for asthmaAsthma affects millions of adults and children, causing symptoms when the tissues of the lungs become inflamed. Muscles in the airway contract, causing breathing to become difficult.

If you have symptoms that are consistent with asthma, it’s important to receive an accurate diagnosis so that your condition can be appropriately treated.

A test known as nitric oxide monitoring is an effective way to assess asthmatic inflammation in the airway. That’s because one measureable marker of the inflammation caused by asthma is an increased level of nitric oxide (NO) in the breath.

In this blog, NYC pulmonologist Dr. Marc Bowen will explain the benefits of nitric oxide monitoring for asthma.

What’s involved with nitric oxide monitoring for asthma?

NO monitoring involves testing the levels of exhaled nitric oxide to evaluate the degree of airway inflammation. The test is non-invasive and is performed by the patient breathing into a handheld mouthpiece that’s connected to a specialized device.

The device is able to measure the amount of nitric oxide in your inhaled breath. This gas is present in everyone’s exhaled breath, but it’s found in elevated levels in the breath of people who have asthma. It’s released from inflamed lung tissue, so measuring NO is an excellent way to identify if asthma is present, and if so, how severe its activity is.

What are the advantages of nitric oxide monitoring?

Many health conditions have symptoms similar to those seen in asthma, including chronic cough. Nitric oxide monitoring allows physicians to quickly identify whether inflammation is present in your airways (as evidenced by increased NO levels) and whether asthma is the underlying source of your symptoms.

Benefits of nitric oxide monitoring include:

  • Performed in-office
  • Non-invasive test
  • Delivers prompt, accurate results
  • Can help identify airway inflammation and support a diagnosis of asthma when other evidence is insufficient. For example, patients with non-specific respiratory symptoms can have a diagnosis of asthma confirmed or ruled out by NO testing.
  • Accurately predicts the likelihood that treatments such as anti-inflammatory/steroid medication will help your condition
  • Allows a doctor to monitor asthmatic inflammation and adjust therapy for patients with diagnosed asthma

 Where can I find nitric oxide monitoring for asthma in NYC?

MX Bowen, Physician, P.C, Health & Breathing Center is equipped with a nitric oxide monitoring device so patients can be quickly and easily tested in the privacy and convenience of our office.

Dr. Marc Bowen is a New York City-based pulmonologist who delivers the highest quality of patient care while providing a highly personalized experience. He has nearly three decades of clinical practice specializing in Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine, and Internal Medicine.

After you undergo NO monitoring, Dr. Bowen will be able to interpret the data provided by your test and will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. He’ll then be able to devise an effective treatment plan that can help with your condition. Asthma is a serious disease, so it’s very important to be able to get the correct diagnosis so you can begin the appropriate course of treatment and learn how to best care for your condition.

If asthma has already been diagnosed, Dr. Bowen will be able to use the test results to measure how well your asthma is being controlled. He’ll then be able to make adjustments to your existing asthma treatment so it’s as effective as possible.

If you’ve already been diagnosed with asthma or are suffering from symptoms that may be caused by asthma, contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bowen to find out whether you’re a good candidate for NO monitoring. We’ll help diagnose and treat your breathing issues so you’ll enjoy an improved quality of life.

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