Looking for the Best Pulmonologist in NYC?

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doctor reviewing x-ray with patient If you have respiratory issues, your family care physician may recommend that you see a pulmonologist for more specialized treatment. Doing some research can ensure that you feel comfortable with your pulmonologist’s qualifications and training and confident in the care you receive.

In this blog, Dr. Marc X. Bowen of MXBowen, Physician P.C., Health & Breathing Center explains more about what an NYC pulmonologist treats and how you can choose the best one to meet your needs.

What is a pulmonologist?

A pulmonologist is a doctor who specializes in the health of the respiratory system. This is made up of your airway, lungs, and respiratory muscles and includes the organs that help you breathe.

When should you see a pulmonologist?

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, an NYC pulmonologist can help determine their cause and recommend the most effective type of treatment:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent cough
  • Coughing up blood
  • Wheezing

A pulmonologist can also provide treatment for conditions that include the following:

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Lung cancer

What should you look for in a pulmonologist?

The following criteria can help you choose an NYC pulmonologist:

  • Referrals – Your primary care physician can often provide a list of doctors he or she regularly refers patients to. You can also ask friends and family for recommendations.
  • Credentials and reviews – Look online for information about the doctor’s credentials, as well as for any positive or negative reviews from other patients.
  • Interview – You can call an NYC pulmonologist’s office and ask for a consultation appointment so you can meet the doctor and ask any questions you may have. You’ll also be able to gauge whether the doctor answers your questions fully and in an understandable way and makes you feel at ease.
  • Experience – Does the pulmonologist have experience – and a track record of positive results – in treating your symptoms or condition? If you need to undergo a specific procedure, ask him or her how many they’ve performed and what the rate of complication is.
  • Hospital affiliation – The hospital where your doctor performs procedures is an important consideration. What quality of care does it provide? Is its location easily accessible to you?

Why should you see Dr. Bowen?

Dr. Bowen is committed to providing the highest level of patient care and has nearly three decades of experience. He’s affiliated with numerous hospitals in New York City, including Lenox Hill, New York Methodist, and NYU Lutheran.

If you’re looking for an NYC pulmonologist, make an appointment today for a consultation with Dr. Bowen. He’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and give you the information you need so you can make the best possible decision regarding your care.

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