Nitric Oxide Monitoring for Asthma

Woman using asthma inhaler in a park

Woman using asthma inhaler in a parkIf you have asthma, you know exactly how bothersome it can be and how it impacts your overall quality of life. When trying to find effective treatments, you may find yourself working with a pulmonologist or lung doctor, such as Dr. Marc Bowen, to get a proper diagnosis and discuss treatment options. While there are a wide variety of treatment options available, it is vital that you work with a medical professional who can help you find the one most appropriate and effective in treating your unique condition. After treatment has been performed, he may utilize specific diagnostic tools to monitor whether or not the treatment is working effectively. One of those is nitric oxide monitoring.

What is nitric oxide monitoring for asthma?

Nitric oxide monitoring for asthma involves measuring the levels of nitric oxide in a person’s breath. This can be helpful in determining how well asthma is being controlled and whether or not treatment adjustments are needed. Elevated levels of nitric oxide in the breath may indicate inflammation in the airways, which is a common symptom of uncontrolled asthma.

How is nitric oxide monitoring performed?

This type of monitoring is typically done with a small handheld device that collects and measures exhaled nitric oxide levels. It is often used alongside other diagnostic tools to help healthcare providers such as Dr. Marc Bowen make informed decisions about managing a person’s asthma.

How often should I visit the doctor for nitric oxide monitoring?

The frequency of monitoring will depend on your individual needs and the recommendations of your healthcare provider. It may be necessary to monitor nitric oxide levels more frequently during periods of worsening asthma symptoms or when making adjustments to treatment plans. Nitric oxide monitoring can be a helpful tool in managing asthma and ensuring effective treatment, and it should be performed as recommended by your provider.

Schedule an appointment with our team today!

If you are interested in working with Dr. Marc Bowen and his team to better understand your condition, call 212-480-4062 to request an appointment at either of his practice locations in the New York, NY, area. He is open to new patients and can help you better understand your condition and find a solution with effective treatments and regular monitoring.

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