The Importance of Lung Cancer Screening After 50 Years of Age

Lung cancer is a condition that develops from the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lungs. As the cells grow, they form tumors in the lungs that can spread to other parts of the body. The two biggest risk factors for lung cancer are smoking and age. Some people do not show symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer, while others may have chest pain, a cough, and shortness of breath. Sometimes, the cough is accompanied by bloody phlegm. Detecting lung cancer early is important, as it improves the chances of successful treatment and surgery to remove the cancerous lung nodules.

Testing to Screen for Lung Cancer

When screening for lung cancer, doctors often use low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans to detect the presence of malignant cells. Other tests, such as standard X-rays, can be used as a first line of detection. However, further testing is typically ordered to confirm the presence of the disease.

Individuals recommended for lung cancer screening include:

  • Patients between the ages of 50 and 80
  • Current smokers
  • Patients who have stopped smoking within the past 15 years
  • Patients who have a history of heavy smoking, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Why Wait Until You Are 50 to Screen?

Doctors typically recommend individuals to hold off on testing due to the fact that lung cancer symptoms do not usually develop until later on in life. Patients who are considered to be within the high-risk population are encouraged to reach out for testing. General testing of the entire population is not usually performed as it can burden the healthcare system significantly while increasing the likelihood of false positives, which can be mentally and emotionally draining.

Where to Find Lung Cancer Screening in New York, NY

Lung cancer screening can help detect cancer in patients during early stages, which can drastically increase the rate of survival by starting patients on treatment plans. If you are within the high-risk population, we strongly recommend that you contact our medical professionals at MXBowen, Physician PC.

Our team has extensive experience helping patients across the New York, NY, area by providing them with quality healthcare services they can trust. Talk to one of our staff members or doctors to arrange for an appointment by calling 212-480-4062.

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