When Your Cough Is a Sign of Something More

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Cronic Cough

This time of year, it seems as though everyone is coughing. Everyone has a cold or the flu, and it always seems to drag on much longer than you want it to. While it can be normal for a cough to last a few weeks after having a cold or bronchitis, a chronic cough may be a sign of something more serious.

What Can a Chronic Cough Be a Symptom Of?

While coughs do linger after recovering from a cold or bronchitis, a chronic cough can be a symptom of a serious disease. A chronic cough may be a symptom of:

  • Sinus issues or asthma
  • GERD or chronic heartburn
  • Pneumonia or lung infection
  • Side effect of medications

Occasionally, a persistent cough may also be a sign of something more serious, such as COPD, lung cancer, or cystic fibrosis. Chronic coughs in children may even be the result of aspirated food.

When Should I See the Doctor?

Any time you become concerned about your cough, you should see your physician, even if it is only for peace of mind. If there is a chance that your cough is a symptom of something more serious, your doctor may refer you for a consultation at our NYC pulmonology practice and chronic cough treatment center. If you cough up blood, feel as though your breathing is constricted, or keeps you awake at night, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How Will You Determine What Is Causing My Cough?

When you come to the chronic cough treatment center for the first time, we will take your medical history and talk to you about your symptoms. We may order a chest x-ray or CT scan, and we may perform breathing tests and other examinations. We will also talk to you about your family history and your history of smoking. Coming to the chronic cough treatment center is the first step to diagnosing the cause.

We know just how distressing and exhausting an uncontrollable cough can be, which is why our practice is committed to personalized care and providing the full range of in-office diagnostic tests. Our NYC chronic cough specialist Dr. Marc Bowen will evaluate your symptoms, pinpoint the underlying problem, and determine the appropriate treatment to improve your quality of life. Schedule an appointment with an expert chronic cough doctor or call 212-480-4062 for treatment and relief. Appointments will be confirmed by office staff.

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Friday: 9am - 3pm

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